Friday, November 6, 2009

Little Ol' Me

I decided to begin my blog with a list of 50 things people may or may not know about me. Here is the list I have complied.
1. I was born and raised in Nephi, Utah.
2. I am the youngest of 6 children (4 girls, 2 boys).
3. I hate the hiccups.
4. Grilled cheese sandwiches are among my favorite foods.
5. I'm a theater junky.
6. I believe Pepsi is what makes the world go round.
7. Fall is my favorite season because of the crunchy leafs.
8. I still get scared when I watch the Wizard of Oz.
9. I have a slight obsession with shoes.
10. I play board games by myself.
11. I used to be a die hard Yankees fan.
12. I still listen to boy bands.
13. I love to travel.
14. There is nothing better than laughing until you cry.
15. I'm kind of addicted to TV.
16. It is physically impossible for me to hoola-hoop.
17. I have a hard time remembering the world before cell phones.
18. I believe scarfs are one the the greatest fashion accessories.
19. I do not dream of Genie.
20. I think smurfs are the coolest blue people ever.
21. I love working on jigsaw puzzles for hours at a time.
22. Sleeping is one of my favorite activities.
23. That Thing You Do is one of the best, awful movies of all time.
24. I really do enjoy the snow, even though I spend a majority of winter screaming about how much I hate it.
25. I donate blood.
26. I have never broke a bone.
27. I once shoved a metal rod into an electrical box.
28. I refuse to affiliate myself with a specific political party.
29. Audrey Hepburn is definitely one of my icons.
30. I think the TRAX Train was one of the greatest things to come to Utah.
31. I am a city person.
32. I dream of the day when I will live in Boston, Massachusetts.
33. I have seen 2 shows on Broadway.
34. I've always wanted to be Sleeping Beauty at Disneyland.
35. I've even practiced signing her autograph.
36. I don't read the newspaper but have a tendency to get frustrated when I'm not informed.
37. I am taking French and it's really foreign.
38. I think Frank Sinatra is the greatest musician of all time.
39. I've only been snowboarding once and it did not go so well.
40. Sour cream is also on my list of favorite foods.
41. I could spend hours watching YouTube videos.
42. I have mastered the 'grin and nod'.
43. My graduating class consisted of 140 people.
44. I hate milk, but love chocolate milk.
45. I am a former Arby's employee.
46. I think there is nothing more attractive than a great smile and an even greater sense of humor.
47. I am inspired by selfless people.
48. I wish the world was kinder.
49. I am leaning toward a double major.
50. I wish life came with background music.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Here I Go!

Well, I'm on a mission. Mission: to be come a blogger!
I'm not really sure how this whole thing works yet but I'm bound to figure it out eventually. I mean really, it can't be any harder than learning to ride a bike and I managed to figure that out at the age of 6. Wish me luck!