Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 months... how pathetic!

I created this blog because I thought it would be a monumental way for me to, in a sense, keep a journal of the 'big events' happening in my life and the impact they had. Oh was I ever so wrong!
The first problem I encountered was the fact that I am completely blog illiterate. I often get confused when reading other blogs let alone creating and maintaining my own!
Next, the fact that I view very few moments as life's "big events" doesn't seem to be helping the condition I'm in. I mean I've never seen a possum crawl under the house and therefore nothing in my life is too exciting.
Ok, that's kind of a lie. Exciting things do happen I just don't often see them as exciting enough to take time to share. I mean this has been a pretty big year once I look back and realize I managed to finish off high school and make it through my first semester as a university student all in a matter of months. On top of that my entire family has been together twice this year (an event that hasn't occurred in at least 5 years), and Gregory got married.
Reflecting back on the year seems really crazy when you consider all that has happened in only 365 days. I'm not usually a big New Year junky. I don't make resolutions and I find the tradition of staying up till 12:00 to welcome in the first seconds of a New Year slightly pointless. It's not like anything is going to change overnight unless something or someone makes it change and if that's the case why don't we celebrate the coming and going of each day! However, it's interesting to stand back and look at both what lies ahead in 2010 and what now lies behind in 2009.
Wow, so this post is the result of a 2:00 am rambling session on a sleepless night in Nephi, UT. Clearly my life is more exciting than it appears... or be the judge!

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